Saturday, 21 January 2012

almost 7 mile - B'well, Over Haddon; Alport; Shining Bank Quarry - B'well

Reproduced by permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of HMSO.
© Crown Copyright. All rights reserved

1.  From the A6 opposite the park) follow Holywell up the hill - take the gate at the end of Park View -walk up the hill, take the steps keeps onwards past the cemetery.

2. With the school in front of you - turn left.  Follow this path through a couple of fields - to pass over a small beck - continue to follow the path through 4 fields until you reach a road (Shutts Lane)

3. On reaching the road turn left - then take the lane on the right  - opposite Noton Barn Farm - walk up this road - hidden in the wall on the left  is a stile  - climb this then follow the paths over 3 fields.

4. On reaching the wall near the pub,  take a sharp left and follow the path down hill to the road.

5. At the road turn right - cross over Conksbury Bridge - just past the bridge is a stile on your left  - go through this and walk down the River Lathkill to Alport.

6. Walk down the back of the village ( there is  small footpath bridge you can take) - follow the road round at the T junction turn left - at the sharp bend take the lane that bears right. This path takes you through a caravan park- follow the path to another lane - left again.

7. At the B5056 go left again  - follow this to the T junction - opposite this is a track take this and walk up!  Past Shiningbank Quarry - follow the straight ahead .

8. When you come to the cross roads of paths  bear left - walk to the far most corner of the field -over the stile then keeping the wall on your right along this path untill you reach the road again.

9. Through the gate and straight down the road back to Noton Barn Farm - just past the farm is the gate you passed through earlier -  take this again but walk straight down the bridlepath to Intake Lane keeping the wall on your right.

10. At the  bottom of Intake Lane - before the A6 - there is a snicket to the left that leads onto Wyedale Cresent -  go left  - walk through the estate keep going straight until you are back where you started..........

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